Helping You Make The Move To New Zealand Or Australia

This is one of the most important steps in making a successful move but one that many people overlook or do not complete.

To be able to secure a job offer and visa you need to be prepared for when that job offer arrives as the visa application will need to be lodged quickly once a job offer is secured.

If you can show you are prepared and have support, employers will take you more seriously.
Employment Support 
You also need an employment strategy to help you secure a job offer which is often required before you can apply for a visa.

Our Employment Support services are an essential tool to help you get in front of employers and also in front of the thousands of other skilled people who are also applying for jobs  
 Visa Strategy
To make a successful move  you need a visa strategy that suits you and your circumstances.

We work with licenced immigration advisers who can assist with every part of the visa application process
Including liaising with the Immigration service and the employer
Relocation Support
Our service takes you through all aspects of the move. Visa applications are just one part of a much larger process.

As migrants ourselves we know how important it can be to have advice and support for as long as you need after your arrive so that you settle and stay. 